AAWCC Scholarship ($500)

The LBCC Chapter of the American Association of Women in Community Colleges (AAWCC) would like to support and encourage the recipient to meet declared educational, professional and personal goals. The purpose of this award is for financial support for tuition and books while attending LBCC. This scholarship is non- renewable. Preference will be given to women who have attended LBCC at least one term prior to this application process, must be enrolled 9 or more credit hours during the award term and must have a declared major and clear personal goals.

Recipients will be selected based on the following:

Academic Subject Area: Any Major
May be an international student
Funds may be used for dual enrollment expenses
Requires a minimum GPA of 3.0

Award Amount: $500
Number of Awards available: 1
Apply during Spring Term 
Enrollment requirement per term:9 or more credit hours
Term(s) award to be paid: Fall

A thank you letter is required upon receipt of award.
