Ram-Z Fab Scholarship

In 1991 Scott Ramsey started classes at LBCC on a State Certified Dislocated mill worker program, Kristin and Scott met in a math class the following year. Kristin was able to attend LBCC because of a Clemens Foundation Grant that was available to Philomath High School graduates; Scott was able to continue to draw unemployment benefits due to the state retraining program. In his second year he applied for an academic scholarship and received it. Kristin was going to school with hopes of getting an administrative position in law enforcement and he was going to school in the Machine Tool program with hopes of being a machinist. When he graduated in 1993, the Corvallis Community Services Consortium paid for his starter set of tools and new work clothes.

Kristin is now about to retire from Oregon State Police with 25 years as an Evidence Technician and they are the owners of Ram-Z Fab Inc, a machine shop in Corvallis. They would not be where they are today without the assistance of grants, scholarships, and community/state programs. They are grateful to be in a position where they can now pay it forward and assist other college students who may be experiencing similar financial struggles through college as they did.

This fund shall be to support students in the Machine Tool or Welding programs. Awards may be used for any education related expenses such as tuition, fees, books, transportation or living expenses. Student must show financial need and have a minimum 3.00 GPA.

Apply: Spring term
Award: $1,500 paid out equally Fall, Winter and Spring terms.
