Austin and Catherine Evanson Memorial Scholarship Endowment

To assist first and second year nursing students.

Recipients will be selected based on the following:
Academic Subject Area: Nursing

Must be Oregon Resident
Must be a Linn or Benton County resident
Merit-based award
May be a dual-enrollment student
Funds may be used for dual enrollment expenses
Requires a minimum GPA of 2.0

One scholarship to a first-year nursing student or a second-year nursing student. Awards are based on academic achievement, altruistic service, excellence in nursing care, and contribution to the nursing program.

Scholarships can be used for: Tuition, fees, books, child care, living expenses and/or special needs.
Award Amount: $550
Number of Awards available: 2
Student can receive scholarship multiple times
Apply during Winter Term
Enrollment requirement per term: 1/2 Time 6 – 8 credit hrs.
Term(s) award to be paid: Spring
