Doyle and Lois Marchbanks Memorial Scholarship Endowment

Doyle & Lois Marchbanks Memorial Scholarship: based on financial need, strong moral character and good academic credentials. Must be received as a second year student in the LBCC Nursing Program, preferably reside in Linn or Benton County, have strong moral character and good academic credentials. Half-time or 6 credits minimum enrollment at LBCC is required.
Recipients will be selected based on the following:
Academic Subject Area: Nursing
Recipient must show financial need
Must be Oregon Resident
Must be a Linn or Benton Co. resident
May be an international student
Requires a minimum GPA of 2.0
Student’s year at LBCC when receiving award: Second Year LBCC
Financial need, strong moral character and good academic credentials.

Enrollment requirement per term: minimum 1/2 Time (6 credit hours)
Term(s) award to be paid: Spring
