Zonta Service Foundation of Corvallis - Elbert & Velma Starns Scholarship

Zonta Service Foundation of Corvallis Elbert and Velma Starns scholarship is offered to a student who is a single parent while attending LBCC. The scholarship offers $1,000 per term to help cover tuition, fees, books, and supplies charged to a recipients’ account at LBCC.

Student must be enrolled and who resumed their studies after a minimum one-year break in their education (the gap may be between high school and college). Preference is given to older-than-average students with family responsibilities and those with financial need. The recipient should demonstrate an interest in working to improve the legal, political, economic, educational, health or professional status of women OR have demonstrated a willingness to work in a job or profession involving the welfare of children and women.
Minimum GPA: 2.25
Must be enrolled in a minimum of 9 credits for the duration of the school year in order to qualify for the scholarship.
Must be a Oregon Resident.

Applicants are required to write a short essay addressing a major life transition that led to a break in your education and the current challenges you face as a single parent while attending LBCC. How have you demonstrated commitment to improving the status of women or children; how your educational goals and studies advance your commitment, and, how the scholarship will help you continue to meet your goals.

Supplemental Questions
  1. Describe in a short essay how you meet each of the criteria for the scholarship. Address 1)The major life transition that led to a break in your education and the current challenges you face as a single parent attending LBCC. 2) How you have demonstrated commitment to improving the status of women and children. 3) How your educational goals and studies advance your commitment. 4) How the scholarship will help you continue to meet your goals.

  2. Please download this Zonta Finance Form to fill out and then upload